Summer Wear for Muslims

Summer is upon us, and that brings a host of problems for the Muslim family. Just how do you enjoy the long, hot days and still maintain your conservative dress? Are you stuck inside all summer? Or, worse, must you suffer heat stroke to enjoy the sun and water? Not necessarily. Luckily, some clothing manufacturers have heeded the Muslims’ cries for modest summertime wear. [h]Summertime Dress Code[/h] Before we get to that, what should Muslims wear in the heat? Exactly what they should wear in any other weather, except of a lighter, thinner material! I do know some covered Muslims … Continue reading

Shopping for Fitness Clothes

I am not a huge fan of clothes shopping, but I do love looking for fitness gear. You know how you feel when you put on that really nice dress for an evening dinner out? Or that power suit for going into the office? Well, that’s one of the best reasons in the world to buy fitness clothing. Because when you put on the fitness outfit, you are putting yourself in the mental space to workout. Something Comfortable Let me make it perfectly clear before I even head down this road of discussion. The only reason to buy specialized fitness … Continue reading

Islamic Dress Code — Why Does She Dress Like That?

So many people see a Muslim woman dressed in head to toe and think, “Oppressed! He’s forcing her to dress like that.” “He” refers, of course, to her dictator of a husband. After all, no woman would shun mini skirts, tank tops, and shorts of her own free will. No thinking woman would wear long sleeves and pants in the heat of summer. If a woman is dressed like that she is obviously either brainwashed or beaten. Right? Wrong. I am an American, born and raised in a free country. Growing up, I was encouraged to wear make-up and dress … Continue reading