Five Pillars of Islam

If you’ve ever spent any time around Muslims at all, you’ve undoubtedly heard of the Five Pillars of Islam. These are the basic things that all Muslims must do. It is not an all-inclusive list; it is merely the minimum. Following this list is not a guaranteed entry to Jannah (heaven), but it is a great start. So, what’s on the list? [h]Declaration[/h] The first pillar is the declaration. Known as shahadah, this is the first step a person takes as a Muslim. Once a person has studied Islam and believes in their heart that Islam is truly the word … Continue reading

Islam Online — An Important Resource for Muslims

As a Muslim revert (convert), I often find myself with questions: “Is this halal (lawful) or haram (forbidden)?” “What is the Islamic way to handle this?” Many of today’s issues aren’t specifically referred to in Koran or Hadith. I can try my best to interpret the Holy writing in today’s terms, but I am no scholar. Scholars are not readily available in my neck of the woods, either! So, what’s a confused, but well-intentioned Muslim to do? Islam Online is the perfect resource for Muslims, new or otherwise. The website is a treasure trove of information about the religion, but … Continue reading